- Q&A
- How can I do when broke the product?
- Please contact to your local distributor. If you can inform the detail of repair, it'll be help for the speedy repair.
- There is Black and Blue connector in SANWA products. Can I use it in same way?
- Black connector is S connedtor ( old ) and Blue connector ( new ) is Z connector. These 2 connector has opposite array on + / -. Please use the conversion connector ( S→Z or Z →S ) to prevent the damage by wrong connection.
- Can I use the SANWA radio in combination with other brands receiver?
- Due to the different communication system, SANWA radio won't work with other maker's receiver not like AM / FM radio.
- Can I cut and fold the Antenna of receivers to adjust the length?
- The length of the antena is adjusted as the proper length to get the receiving sensitivity in maximum. On the 2.4Ghz receiver, the length of the white part in end of coaxial cable is working as the antenna. Cutting and folding the anntena may cause the decrease on receiving sensitivity.
- Can I use the Sensorless type Brushless motor with SUPER VORTEX ZERO and HV-01 ?
- SUPER VORTEX ZERO and HV-01only support the sensored type Brushlress motor and not suppor the sonsorless type Brushless motor.
- Please tell me which model is supporting " SSR " mode?
- The Servos support SANWA fastest response mode "SSR" are " SRG series ", Speed controller are " Super Vortex Zero ", " HV-01 ". These equipment work with "NOR ", "SHR" too.
- I'm using M12 but it has not enough range. Is that defect?
- It might has the damage on RF module. We're very sorry, please contact to your local distributor to repare it.