2024 JMRCA 1/10 Electric Off-Road All Japan Championship

2024 JMRCA 1/10 Electric Off-Road All Japan Championship was held at RC Park Gojo in Nara, Japan.

KOUKI KATO got Championship in 2WD class and second position in 4WD class with M17 and PGS-LHII.
About 2WD class, KOUKI KATO was stable driving from qualify round to final round.
He got top qualify and consecutive champion from last year.


<2WD Class Result>

Champion: Kouki Kato (M17)

P2: Yui Kaino

P3: Shoya Yamazaki (M17)

P4: Kiyomasa Inoue (M17)

P5: Shin Adachi (M17)

P6: Yoshinari Maeda

P7: Nana Kaiho

P8: Takeshi Sinomiya (M17)

P9: Toyoshirou Tendo (M17)

P10: Tatsuya Sanpei

About 4WD class, Yui Kaino got championship.
He got TQ and championship with stable driving.


<4WD Class Result>

Champion: Yui Kaino

P2: Kouki Kato (M17)

P3: Nana Kaiho

P4: Shoya Yamazaki (M17)

P5: Fuma Saito (M17)

P6: Kiyomasa Inoue (M17)

P7: Takeshi Sinomiya (M17)

P8: Yuya Kimura

P9: Toyoshirou Tendo (M17)

P10: Yousuke Toyota

6 drivers used SANWA M17 transmitter in Top 10 drivers for both classes.
Overall around 50% drivers used in the competition.


Upload: 24/07/09

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