MT-5 / RX-493i Debut
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We will release MT-5 and RX-493i.
MT-5 istransmitter for FH5 RF mode.
RX-493i is FH5 compatible receiver.
FH5 RF mode is higher resolution than former FH4 RF mode.
Also, MT-5 installed SUR (SANWA ULTRA RESPONSE) Mode which is faster mode than SSR (SANWA SUPER RESPONSE) mode which was installed in MT-44.
Combination with FH5 RF mode and SUR mode will give great smooth feeling.
Compatible receivers are RX-491, RX492, RX-493, and RX-493i.
(FH3 and FH4 compatible receivers as RX-38*, 45*, 46*, 47*, and 48* cannot be used for MT-5)
Another great new feature of MT-5 is INDICATOR FUNCTION in telemetry system.
RX-493i is compatible with INDICATOR FUNCTION.
Combination of MT-5 and RX-493i can work for Indicator function can be checked signal strength.
The indicator function can be used for finding problems as incorrect receiver placing and finding the best receiver position for transmitter.
By SANWA technical development, signal strength can be checked without any effect with response speed.
Upload: 2022/1/14